Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Brokeback Mountain

There's a line in this trailer that I think articulates well the struggle of being gay in a straight world...

"I wish I knew how to quit you!"



Michael Dodd said...

Maddening thing: Last Saturday night, there was an unannounced sneak preview of "Brokeback Mountain" at the Doc Films series at the University of Chicago. My Partner and I had thought about going to the regularly scheduled movie, but it looked tedious, so we missed the opportunity!

Steve said...

Eric... that line "I wish I knew how to quit you" resonates with you I know as a gay person, but it also resonates with those of us that are heterosexual and lose the love of our lives. It is hard to want to be with someone when you can't or are not allowed for whatever reason. You don't have to be gay to understand that sense of grieving.

Carlos said...

Cool blog. I just wanted to say since I have been reading through your entries these past few days.

Eric said...

damien - i was hoping to see it this weekend but it's not even playing in these theatres yet. i'm surprised because our city has a high population of GLBT who'd flock to the theatres to see it. i'll have to wait for a broader release.

steve - you make an incredible point. it's hard for anyone - gay or straight - to want to be with someone when you can't or are not allowed to be. thanks!

carlos - welcome and thanks! feel free to jump right in and comment away. as with anyone, you are welcome to email me as well! =)

Anonymous said...

I saw Brokeback Mountain last night and thoroughly enjoyed the movie. I can't express in words how great the movie is. My favorite line is when Ennis responds to Jack and says "Because of you, I am nowhere..." he says something like that. For a man of so few words, I could really understand how much pain and sadness Ennis was going through. Love the movie!!!

Anonymous said...

I am so totally in love with this movie!!!

I've seen it twice already and can hardly wait to see it again.

And I can't seem to talk about it enough. But I am closeted, so I don't get as many opportunities to discuss it as I'd like.