He's young. He's old. He's gay. He's straight-acting. He's Christian. He's filipino. He's asian. He's a techie. He sees a fitness trainer. He's broke. He's stiff. He's a loner. He got his degree from THAT university.
Until, that is, when I begin to function within my element and, to their surprise, I absolutely kick ass! How do you like THEM apples!
I say that humbly, of course.
I was the guy who was picked last for basketball or football. I was the one who never made the cut. Perhaps this is why I love rooting for the underdog.

It's not just his singing; it's his story that I find fascinating. Earlier this week, Matt Lauer interviewed William and Harry, the HOT british princes of Wales. But Paul is the Brit that inspires me. He's the hero.
Thanks for sharing this clip, Eric. WOW! I always get cold chills listening to this from Bocelli...same thing with this guy. He emotes so powerfully. I hope he really crashes onto the world stage so we can hear more. Keep me posted if you find more of him...I'll have to keep an eye on YouTube.
-Steve (GCN-ps403)
Eric ~
WOW, what a post! So well presented and a perfect end to the day. Thank you. And, by the way - thank you also for coming up and introducing yourself to us at AIDS Walk Long Beach today. It was a pleasure to perform, made sweeter by meeting you.
Toast and Siena
Eric-Thanks for that post:) I love seeing the underdog win:) I know exactly how you feel:)
Love you
I saw this clip, too, and was amazed! Love it!! :o)
I hope you are well, my friend!
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