Sunday, November 06, 2005


Shhhhh! Eric's birthday is coming up in 4 days! It's this coming Wednesday on November 9th! How should we celebrate? Hmmm......


Ron said...

Happy early birthday, Eric! Listen, we are discussing an interesting topic on my blog - the question is whether the Bible was written for unbelievers. Would like for you to join the discussion!

Anonymous said...

OOOOH party at your blog!! I'll bring the margaritas!

Happy early Birthday Eric :) (((hugs)))

Eric said...

That's an interesting idea angel. A blog-party! What would that look like? hmm...

Anonymous said...

Eric the Birthday Boy!

Hee! Hee!

Anonymous said...

How about an instant-messenger chat? How many people have AOL IM?

Happy early Birthday Eric!

Eric said...

Wow, i'm actually really excited about this! Great ideas! So we've got margaritas, Bacardi, i'll get the disco ball, um Val Kilmer... sounds okay, how about Brad Pitt instead? (He's pretty much eye candy for most people and he's kewl enough for the straight guys too right?).

There'll be *coughcoughthirtycoughcough* candles on that cake!

Good idea with the IM, Heidi. Will have to think through the whole time difference for everyone. (A friend of mine might actually be taking me out for a real drink that night so we'll see if i'll be around a computer!) =)

Wait! We need chips/dip and pizza don't we?

Alright, i'm gonna send out invitations....