I believe in her.
I've had the honor of getting to know her recently and she is a person who absolutely loves the Lord, has a tremendous heart for loving her LGBT friends, and is motivated to utilize her God-given athletic abilities to glorify God. Just as she has been journeying with me as I try to figure out what it looks like to be both gay and Christian, I want to journey with her as she strives to be both a Christian and an athlete.
We are all a community - you and I and Rebecca. All of our journeys take us along the same path - the Way of Christ. As fellow brothers and sisters, let's strive to support one another!
Rebecca has an opportunity to compete in the Gay Games VII held in Chicago on July 15-22, 2006 . . . .
According to the Web site, "The Games will feature 12,000 participants, competition in 30 sports, world-class athletes and artists, band and choral performances, nightly medal ceremonies, a week-long arts festival, parties, and spectacular opening and closing ceremonies featuring entertainment, pageantry, and the parade of participants from more than 70 countries. The Gay Games are open to anyone. There are no qualifying events, no minimum or maximum requirements, and no mandatory affiliations. The Games are built on the founding principles of Participation, Inclusion, and Personal Best, and promote a supportive environment, free from bigotry, where participants achieve success by their own measure. More than a tournament or cultural program, the Gay Games is a gathering of the international sports and arts community that changes lives, attitudes, and the very nature of competition."
The Games are for those who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, or straight. Rebecca fits in one of those categories! She will get to live out her faith by expressing genuine and sincere love among a truly diverse environment while competing with others at top-level performance. The Gay Games is one step closer to Rebecca realizing her dream.
In recent days, over this past week, you know it's been pretty difficult for me. But you also know it's been pretty freeing for me. Many of you, including Rebecca, have been such an encouragement to me. In one of her blog posts, she says,
"Everyday, I have people say man, you did an Ironman. I could never do that! My answer is yes you can and maybe yours isn't doing an Ironman Event, maybe your Ironman is something else. It could be anything that you do in your everyday life. My question is, what is your Ironman?"
This journey of mine is my Ironman. You have yours. Rebecca has hers. Let's support one another in whatever way that we can. In Two World Collision, we talk often about living out our faith. Let's do that very thing! We may not be able to be with her in Chicago, but perhaps we can all be a part of helping her to get there.
Let's sponsor her! I have personally offered my contribution to Rebecca. What if together, we all contributed and raised $1000 to help send her to Chicago for the Gay Games? She'll need to cover the cost of registration, travel, lodging, and food. Let's all believe in her - because of what she represents - Christ and us. Every mile she endures on her Ironman, she represents every step that we all take along our own Ironman competition.
Can we do this?
Get to know Rebecca at her blog at: http://spaces.msn.com/members/Ironchic/
If you'd like to support her, perhaps $10, $20, $50, $100, or whatever, email me at twoworldcollision@yahoo.com your interest and how much you'd like to sponsor for her, then I'll email you back with her mailing address.
Her registration deadline is January 1st, 2006 so please let me know ASAP so that she can at least get her registration in!
Eric--Your entry brought tears to my eyes. Thank you...you inspire me.
Love you
Becky O
I'm one of those people that Becky loves. At risk of sounding like a pre-planted fundraiser, I'm telling you that this chic is for real. And yes, it's OK with her that I call her a chic, because we both know she could beat me up with one arm tied down.
I believe in her; but perhaps more importantly Becky believes in me. She's helping me with my own Ironmans. Thanks, and go get 'em, chic!
WOW this sounds amazing! Do they have room for spectators? I live in Grand Rapids, MI and that is only 2.5 hours away (if I speed). This will be a great summer activity.
WOW, I can't even fathom competing like that! How awesome!!
Merry Christmas!!!
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