Leave a comment - extend your birthday greetings, introduce yourself to us, tell us about your blog site that you have so that we can visit it, share a favorite Bible verse, or tell us what you are thankful to God for!
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Our hostess, Angel, is making up some awesome Margaritas.
Go on over and get to know her a bit. She's absolutely wonderful! She's also more than happy to serve you up a soda if you prefer non-alcoholic beverages. =)
What's your pleasure?

Here's a recipe for you if you'd like to whip some up for you and your friends.

Choose a link below to listen while you surf!
House Party or R & B Party
Or if you'd rather not dance:
Two World Collision Yahoo LaunchCast Radio or
Alternative Rock or Adult Alternative or Christian Top Hits or Praise & Worship Music

Bridges Across The Divide
Gay Christian Outreach
Looking for a match? Try GayHarmony.Net. =)

Order some up online for yourself at home too.
While you're munching on your pizza, be sure to browse through Two World Collision and check out each of the different sections. Catch up on past posts by going through the archives in the right column. Also to the right, find out more about my perspective regarding the "Church" by looking at those post links. On the left, check out some of the blogs that I read somewhat regularly. Be sure to read the paper I wrote about entering the "Hot Zone".
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Let's see...how about some tidbits about the birthday boy?
My life verse is Philippians 3:10 which says, "I want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of sharing in His sufferings, becoming like Him in His death." In 1997, I used to work in a dialysis unit and I used to sit with a wonderful woman by the name of Helen Hayes during her treatments. One day, she told me about the time she had a quadruple bypass surgery and while she was "out" during the surgery she remembers praising the Lord and reciting Psalms and Scripture to Him. She spoke of Jesus with such love! Even in the midst of incredible hardship, she continued to worship the Lord. Philippians 3:10 was her life verse. She inspired me so much that I adopted it as my own. In hindsight, I can see that I would endure hardships of my own and that verse was foundational for me keeping faith.
Do you have a life verse? Let me know in a comment!

One of my favorite Switchfoot songs is Dare You To Move because a few years ago I lived through one of those "rock-bottom" times in my life and I related so well to the song. It reminded me that God was with me and was for me and that, after falling, I can indeed get back up. Click the link here to watch the video!

Remember, to check out some of my posts about my paradigm of the Church in the section in the right column!
Buy the book and read it for yourself here!
Alright, let's bring out the cake! Here's my favorite - a mint chocolate chip ice cream cake! Take a virtual slice! Hey now - i meant a slice out of the cake!

I know, i know - Brad was supposed to be jumping out of a birthday cake without a shirt! Where's the skin?! Oh well, what can i say?
Wow, if you've made it all the way down to the bottom of this post - party on! Thanks for stopping by! Be sure to check out some of the links throughout this site. Please, leave a comment and say hello before you leave! =)
((HUGS!!)) ~ yeah that's pretty gay isn't it?
Blessings ~ Eric
Blessings ~ Eric
happy birthday! i just had one of my own a few days ago, but mine was just a boring old 3-1, so i didn't celebrate with nearly this much pomp.
i'm largely an rss-feed lurker around these parts, but i read everything and really appreciate what you've written so far and the journey you're on. thanks.
blessings to you in this new decade.
Happy Birthday Eric! I'm Jim from Straight, Not Narrow, and I want to thank you for sharing your life with us, both the ups and downs. We're all trying to figure out who we are in some way as we move through our lives, and your experiences can help others learn more about themselves.
Have a great 30th!
Hey Eric, happy birthday! Here's hoping God will continue to prosper you and show you His face and His plans for you in the years to come.
Have a great one!
Hello, Eric!!!
I'm Jae from GCO, and briefly I want to say, "Happy Birthday!!!" I wish you have a wonderful day today!!! Enjoy your day!
Hey Eric,
Happy Big 3O!!!
Have a wonderful day and the pizza is delicious!
Eric - What a great party! I grinned as I "walked around the room" and took in the margaritas, the food, the dancing...you inspire great things. ;)
I love reading your blog even if I don't always have time to comment...you make me think, deeply, not just about the issue of being gay and Christian, but about seriously following Christ and what that means. I love what you've written about the church - it helps me crystalize my own thoughts so much. Keep up the good work - I feel like I'm friends with you even though we've never met!
Anyway, happy birthday - have a great, wonderful day knowing that you are loved and appreciated by so many. :)
Happy birthday! Don't worry too much about hitting 30 - I passed that milestone, well, some time ago, and I'm not dead yet.
I'd take you up on that margarita, but drinking during work hours tends to be frowned upon, for some strange reason. I guess I'll have to settle for a walk down to the coffee kiosk.
Anyway, hope your 30th year is a banner one.
P.S. When you look at the stars, do you feel like yourself?
Hey friend,
Happy 30th. I remember my 30th well. I was volunteering at a high school youth group retreat. Then I came home, slept, and went to a Super Bowl party. (How nice that everyone across the country threw a party on my day. How not nice that Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake upstaged my parties.) Then I got a call that a good friend was headed to the ER and I needed to come to his house because he was hosting a Super Bowl party at the time. Weird, eh? I spent my 30th worried about him and cleaning up his house for hours after the game. He was fine.
Have a Happy One, Eric. The journey is crazy, but it is nice to have some company. I love pizza and cake and Brads. How nice of you to have them all!!
Matt aka wingfan
Happy Birthday, Eric. 'cqg' from gcn checking in to wish you many happy returns and to take you up on that killer magarita (I'll hoist one in your honor tonite at my fav local tex mex place).
Blessings and courage for the journey,
oh, and lumpia. Yummm! It's been so long since I've had good lumpia (my San Diego days and when I spent some time in the RP back when you were, oh, 2 or 3 years old :)
Happy Birthday!
I'll be right behind you in a few months, my 30th is in June.
Micah 6:8 is my life verse...I think.
Hugs and Birthday wishes to you! Back from my visit with my dad and there's a party going on. Such fun!
I hope this is a wonderful day, and that this year is a blessed one for you.
Three full decades eh? Nifty! All the best guys are over 30!
Happy Birthday, Eric. I appreciate the gift that God gave to the world 30 years ago when He gave us YOU!
Happy birthday! I loved my thirtieth -- had my first Peking duck! Wish I could get some of your Filipino treats. We had a big Filipino community in DC and they often used our hall for receptions. We got the best leftovers!
I am Damien from Damien's Spot. My favorite Bible verse is Psalm 27:4 "One thing I ask of the LORD,
this is what I seek:
that I may dwell in the house of the LORD
all the days of my life,
to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD
and to seek him in his temple."
Enjoy your thirties! Come visit me sometime if you want an old gay man's perspective. You can find your way through geek_boi...
Happy birthday to one of the coolest people on the planet. Love ya, Eric. You rock the world. :)
--GCN Justin
I posted a message on the GCO board in reply to your invitation, saying that I had a bunch to do today and might not make it by your party. God organized and arranged my errands such that I completed them in about half the time I expected so thought I would stop by. Great party!! I left my birthday gift to you on the table. I hope you like it. Thanks for inviting me to your party. It was great.
Praising the Lord,
Eric Darling Eric!!! Welcome to the 30's club :) we're a happy select GRAND few....what a great Blog this is! I'd stay for Margi's but I am at work at the moment but Lumpia's mmmm
I am SOOO Blessed to know such an amazing person as you! YOU are without a coubt the apple of God's eye! Thanks for YOU and sharing this day with us! well, I will post more later but first your gift..."Moral Courage is a more rare commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence" - Robert F. Kennedy
Have a BLESSED day my friend
XOXO Angelina
Hey Eric,
Happy 30th! I missed your graduation party but wanted to make sure that I made this one! Another big milestone for you. Congrats!
The Lumpia and Maragritas taste great! I'd like to make a virtual toast to Eric...would you all raise a glass with me...
"To a high quality friend that is blessing to so many of us, we love you and we give thanks to God for you on this special day. Here, here!"
Shalom ~ Brad
Hey, Eric!
Happy Birthday!!
I'm enjoying your party. Thanks for saving me a slice of pizza!
Also, I really enjoy lurking on your blog. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!
Happy Birthdyay Eric! If I was back home I would toast you with a Long Island but since I'm in Korea Soju will do. I hope and pray that 30 is the best year of your life to date!
Hey Eric ... welcome to thirtyness! :D (i'm only seven years ahead of you! ;))
This is tea from GCN. Been lurking here awhile. I'm so glad you're doing this blog - it's helping me too. Keep writing, keep pressing on.
Have a gr8 birthday - and an adventurous decade! *grin* ... Huge blessings to you, in Jesus. :D
Happy Birthday (((((Eric))))) :)
Hope I didn't make the margaritas too strong ;) LOL
I'm so glad we met on the Blogosphere! May God bless you in the coming year :)
Eric...you are the best. I was cracking up at your whole "virtual b-day party". However, I think you should be out partying with your friends!!! Oh well, congrats on making it to 30. You are a beautiful boy for 30. Keep on ticking and sharing the love & wisdom. Cheers
Happy Birthday Eric!
Thanks for inviting me!
Hi Eric,
Happy Birthday! Good for you, continuing to learn and grow at 30.
Man, those margaritas are strong!
Wow! All you guys and gals are so incredible! I am humbled to have all of you share in my birthday - locally here in Southern California, across several states and time zones in the U.S., and even across oceans in other parts of the country. It's amazing!
I'm actually feeling somewhat buzzed and tipsy right now as I write this - my awesomest kewliest friends took me out for some drinks and even drove me (and my car) home for me. Such friends! They're so kewl... and they even got me a cake! A mint chocolate chip ice cream cake! From Cold Stone! It was soooo good! I can't believe that actually did that for me! awwww.... They didn't know it but it was the exact same one of the picture i used next to Brad Pitt! I got the pic from the Cold Stone site. Awesome huh? okay, am i rambling?
they were laughing at me cuz i don't normally drink and so i guess i was a bit goofy and stuff...
then there was that whole "Craig" - "Greg" thing....and me embarassing myself...sigh....i'm such a dork. that's why i'm single huh? okay, um...what was i saying?
oh yeah...um...oh... thanks for such an awesome blog party! you guys are all the best! I hope you had a great time!
oh yeah and thanks for all the encouraging words and support for my journey too. it makes the journey that much less lonely knowing that there are people out there that either relate or are supportive of the uncertaintyness of this journey.
let's continue the dialogue. let's continue the relationships.
thanks a ton everyone!
(...okay time for sssleeep....)
About your party ...
I don't even drink, but last night I dreamed about having a margarita. What was that all about? I can only assume it is your fault. Wish I had dreamed about dancing instead. I could really have gotten into that.
Oh well, ole, as they say!
Gah! I'm a day late, but happy birthday anyway! You quite often say things as I've always thought they should be put-- nice to know someone else out there "gets it."
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