So we packed in 25 people into my little apartment, hung out and had our fill of potluck dinner and goodies. Then we had three people (lesbian, straight, gay) share their stories with the group . . . .
For each person that shared, the group had an opportunity to ask questions of the person for the purpose of getting to know that person better. Then as a community, we verbally honored the person by expressing our love, acceptance, and affirmation for him or her. Then we all prayed for that person before hearing the story of the next person.
It was a really awesome time! Bianca, Polin, and Shawn shared their stories and we had a wonderful opportunity of getting to know their hearts, passions, journeys, and stories. The really awesome thing was that the focus wasn't on sexuality. It was discussed in the context of a person's story, but the main focus was always on our growing relationship with Christ and how we are living a lifestyle of worship and community.
As we concluded, we were encouraged to continue connecting with one another by being intentional about nurturing healthy relationships with God, people of the same gender, other genders and also healthy romantic relationships.

I've got some of the after-pics in the filmloop section at the top of the right column of this blog. Check them out! I didn't want to violate the atmosphere of what we were trying to do by trying to document it with photos. So there aren't any photos during our time of sharing stories, but there are pics of some of the GCN'ers that hung around afterwards. =)
What an absolutely great idea for meeting and sharing with one another.
Congratulations on taking such an important and gigantic step.
:)I am so excited. M, just sent an email title "Got Inclusion, West Coast" or something:) I am so excited:)
Wow, as an ex-pentecoastal Christian myself I can imagne how hard that must have been.
Absolutly amazing news that you managed it though!
What a great idea! Thanks for posting this.
Hi Eric! I found your blog because I have Google Alerts set to inform me whenever something is posted to the Internet bearing the phrase "stories that build bridges." (The Internet never ceases to amaze me, in how it brings me in contact with so many interesting new people and new ideas.) I applaud you for bringing your _journey_ and not just your _convictions_ into your blog. So many faith blogs are full of self-assured certainties devoid of openness toward discovery and exploration. And I'm glad to see that since you began blogging, you have become less conflicted about your dual identity as Christian and as a gay man.
I happen to publish a newsletter blog about _storytelling_ for peacemaking, healing, bridge building and reconciliation (hence my interest in "stories that build bridges") that earlier this year did a forum on "Story, Narrative, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity" that you or your readers might be interested in (at http://storyteller-and-listener.blog-city.com/glbt_qa.htm) .
Hey Eric:
Saw your videos and read some of your blog entries. I attend St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Long Beach. We are having a movie "The Bible Tells Me So" I think is the title. It is being shown at First Congregational. Is that the church you go to? Or which one do you attend? I am a member of the GLBT group at St. Luke's and we want to make connections with the greater community.
-keep up the good work,
What a great idea to whorship in this way with straights and gays !
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